History is an adventure for preschoolers. Young kids perceive the world around them gradually, hence it is important to start with the familiar things, things that are ‘down to earth’, to take a piecemeal approach in expanding the boundaries: from family and friends to city or town, country, the world. Our books for the youngest readers are designed with this philosophy in mind and could, once combined, provide for a comprehensive curriculum that would help grasp the notion of chronology, understanding of historical events and cultures.

There is a team of specialists — historians, certified child psychologists, educators, as well as leading Ukrainian authors in the genre — behind each book. The resulting product meticulously describes the way of life characteristic of the time, artifacts, events based on scientific facts, and historical reenactment.

Our History Stories picture book series can be described as puzzle-like. Each book is autonomous but when combined they form a complete overview of historical periods from the Stone Age to the contemporary. Children of this age group have not yet fully grasped the idea of time and hence perceive or identify history through association-links. Their thinking process is akin to a mythological one, where twists and turns of history become merely interesting stories.

 Our goal here is to provide children with the initial idea of a certain historical period, a shiny picture of sorts, which would create an emotional tie to the topic. In a few years, these young readers would graduate to a more detailed and systematic worldview through the book series’ intended for older audiences.

World History series was made with the same philosophy in mind as History Stories. They work particularly well when combined to provide a comprehensive overview of events that happened all over the world. As before, each book remains autonomous and can be read on its own. Based on the principles of empathy and immersion in the era, the plots help to talk to children about many topics like diversity, features, and peculiarities of time and culture, how families used to function, the ways of ancient tribes, etc.

 Each story, apart from the historical narrative, contains conflict and character development, uncovers one of the psychological themes: love, friendship, jealousy, problem-solving, respect for others, search for one’s calling, and more.

This series is dedicated to the understanding of other cultures, plant and animal life, history, and philosophy of the world. Thanks to certified psychological groundwork, historical commentary, and inquiry questions that come with each book, children are able to expand their horizons even while at home.

Once they have reached grade school, children face an entirely different environment. This is an important stage for socialization, self-development, and exploration of oneself. History learning here provides explanations of social phenomena, satisfies the natural curiosity of children, and teaches them to think critically. In order to sail through the sea of history, children require all of the necessary equipment. They need to acquire analytical skills and learn systematic thinking, develop their perception, enhance empathy, and erudition. This age range is also perfect for introducing children to particularly complex issues, a time when you can support them, act as their guide. Otherwise, if such an opportunity was missed, children would most likely have to face such difficulties alone.

It is essential to touch on the difficult pages of history with children. Thus, Portal took upon itself an ambitious undertaking – to truthfully work through harrowing topics without inflicting any collateral damage. To achieve it, we developed a series in which complex topics are explained with the help of the life events of a particular character. Political developments here serve as a backdrop for a fictional story that revolves around the inner strengths of the said character.

 To make it relatable for the reader this main character is also a child. This way the historical context is more immersive and the then-challenges seem more real. Each book is supplied with a unique bookmark that contains tips from historians, certified psychologists, and teachers. This helps find the right words when discussing psychologically-challenging issues and allows to provide a wider historical context.

This particular series will be of interest to both teenagers and adults.Written by leading Ukrainian authors, our pop-sci books delve into various historical phenomena and eras. They burst with collections of interesting and unexpected facts, definitions, as well as infographics, maps, illustrations.

Children of this age are also especially interested in awe-inspiring plots and jaw-dropping adventures. We use this insight to adorn each story with details of a particular historical epoch, and thus unobtrusively help acquaint the readers with the life and challenges characteristic of that time.

When adolescents explore the world, they also form their opinion of it. They learn how to think independently, and to solve problems creatively. During this period, many personal traits form, including cognition and curiosity. Thus, the introduction of popular science literature is of vital importance.


Teenagers are driven by several basic questions: How do I identify myself? How do I deal with others? How do I deal with the world? To comprehend the historical experience and analyze the individual actions of historical actors is of particular importance to them. They are also interested in social problems, self-identification, relationships, entertainment. Books of this age category help to convey meanings in an accessible way that avoids moralizing. They can serve as the middle-ground for parent-child discussions and help to cogitate on emotional experiences, actions, and worldviews.

These books are woven into the world history and history of Ukraine school curriculums, help to underline Ukraine in the historical world context. Individual books could also be of use as supporting materials when teaching physics, language, and literature, law, geography, etc.

When adolescents explore the world, they also form their opinion of it. They learn how to think independently, and to solve problems creatively. During this period, many personal traits form, including cognition and curiosity. Thus, the introduction of popular science literature is of vital importance.

This particular series will be of interest to both teenagers and adults.Written by leading Ukrainian authors, our pop-sci books delve into various historical phenomena and eras. They burst with collections of interesting and unexpected facts, definitions, as well as infographics, maps, illustrations.

When growing up, especially during this period, parent advice can be seen as moralizing, but which can be conveyed with the help of the right literature. Books of this series help teenagers to better understand and re-think their life experience through the medium of history. This series encompasses fiction that dives deeply into historical eras accompanied by exciting action.

The historical background of each book is meticulously verified based on scientific sources, although characters remain mostly fictional. In some cases, there is a storyline set in modernity in which the main cast of adolescent characters deals with the days of old in one way or the other, compare the life and worldview with that of their own time.


Older – particularly high-schoolers – teenagers spend a lot of time in self-search, so historical personalities play a key role in these books. The readers are encouraged to draw parallels with the present, analyze their own decisions, and compare behavioral patterns with that of historical figures. Historical myths and heroic narratives usually dilute the objective perception of reality, therefore it is of foremost importance to identify biased judgments and avoid manipulation of any sort.

Written by leading Ukrainian authors, our pop-sci books delve into various historical phenomena and eras. They burst with collections of interesting and unexpected facts, definitions, as well as infographics, maps, illustrations.

A series dedicated to historical fiction that tells about Ukraine’s integration into global processes. The authors skillfully combine the historical backdrop with the challenges of today.

This way readers can grasp the importance of rethinking ancestral experiences. New books are being added.


A series of books about Ukrainian art of the 20th century will not leave anyone indifferent.

Those who were not interested in domestic art before will receive a convenient and attractive springboard for entering the world of visual culture.

Those who seek to structure the chaotic knowledge of this field will have a quality “textbook”. And specialists will be able to look at their country from a new angle: see images of rare works from regional museums and evaluate the methodology of how to connect Ukrainian and world trends in the art of the 20th century.


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Shedule: Mo-Fr, 10-18
E-mail us on: order@portalbooks.com.ua
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