Історія вина в 100 пляшках

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Вино існує стільки ж, скільки й сама цивілізація. Упродовж тисячоліть, від часів стародавньої Месопотамії до сьогодення, коли виноробство стало величезною галуззю міжнародної економіки, історія «поезії в пляшці» тісно пов’язана з ключовими соціальними, культурними та економічними змінами.
Один з найвідоміших винних експертів у світі Оз Кларк майстерно відкоркує для читачів 100 пляшок, кожна з яких втілила найважливіші інновації, відкриття та історичні події свого часу. Він простежить історію вина: від міхів з козячої шкіри та барил з льохів німецьких ратуш — до новітніх технологій; від першої етикетки — до шедеврів дизайну найдорожчих марок, створених визначними художниками ХХ століття.
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15 відгуків для Історія вина в 100 пляшках
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Pcox –
Clever idea. Maybe my expectations were off but this didn’t have enough detail to engage me.
Burcu –
It is a fantastic book for a wine enthusiast, it gives a lot of information about the history of wine, the development of wine industry, starting point of the many wine companies of today. The idea of giving all these under 100 different titles is brilliant, it does not exhaust you and also gives you the chance to enjoy the book page by page in 100 days. I didn’t want it to end.
Robb –
Well done and illustrated.I have been reading Oz Clarke books for several years now and they do not disappoint . Well-researched and full of timely information and trends. I always finish one of his books and find myself amazed at what I still learn . He’s very entertaining in his writing style and honest in his opinions.
Owen –
My boss let me borrow his copy of this book, raving about Oz’s writing style and the ease of picking up individual stories. And it is true! Oz Clarke takes what could be a dry subject and gives us many little vignettes across the many millenia of wine production and trade. The stories are light and … I am sorry. I am not intending wine puns, but they just seem to … flow from the subject. Please forgive me. Anyway, it is easy to pick up this book and open to any random page and find something interesting and, yes, fun to read. Whether pontificating on the ancient Egyptians, or ruminating on more modern events such as wine in a box, Oz is engaging. He brings these stories to the people. And though I am no vinophile, I defintely learned a lot and enjoyed it.
Devin Bostick –
Really fun page stories on wines or styles you know most of if you’re s wine drinker – but facts you don’t. Interesting “how’s” and “why’s” to wine. Worth reading. He’s funny too!
Misha –
A great collection of historically important moments for wine. Most crucially accessible to people with not a lot of wine knowledge!
Mike Kothe –
Fun read. This is my field of study so for me it was refreshing and not as dense as a reference book. I liked the framework of the book and thought it read as a well organized narrative take on wine history in small stories that kept a quick and engaging pace.
Svitlana –
A great book if you are interested in wine and want to know more about its history. Basically, it is a set of short stories about major names, discoveries or inventions in wine realm. Including photos:)If words Chateau Margaux, Bordeaux left bank, Saint Emillion or Auslese are familiar to you but you want to know more about the story behind them – read this book. Otherwise, I would recommend to start first with some wine glossary or Wine folly first. At times I got somewhat disturbed with too informal language, but consider it to be a great read anyway.
Jeffrey –
A must-read for wine enthusiasts. It’s not the 100 “bottles” per se that matter – many of them are by the author’s admission of dubious provenance or stand-ins for a larger theme. But it’s basically a history of wine over the last 2,000+ years with various wines thrown in as exemplars of an event or idea (e.g. “labeling wine from a particular producer was a big deal” or “you can make good wine in South Africa,” etc.) I wish I had bought the physical book rather than the Kindle version as the photos and layout do shine that way. Overall my favorite book about wine.
Jeannie Boutelle –
Many wine books, due to the nature of detail when talking about wine, are very dense, and almost encyclopedia-like and not in a bad way. This book is not one of those. It is organized and written in a very easy to read way, 1-2 pages on each wine/wine event/wine moment. This is a very engaging book and great for people who are not familiar with wine at all and want to start learning more or just be more informed. They put the whole wine business in context. It is multi-layered, you can find recommendations on wine, places to visit, wine regions. It is one of those books that I think is a classic and needs to be in any wine library. It is a good read!!!!
Leanne –
Fantastic and fun to read stories about epic wines… from bottle shapes to Hungarian Tokaji and Nazu Wines to Parker Points… highly opinionated fun!
Joe Michalak –
Oz Clarke taps into a wealth of personal wine knowledge to present a concise, yet informative history of major moments in wine. Even if you are at the beginning of your wine tasting adventure, you will likely find many relatable moments. For instance, my first bottle of wine was a Yellow Tail Shiraz that I bought from a CVS. There is a moment talking about Austrailian Wines, and the no-nonsense consistent approach that allows for a fairly consistent, branded wine (and I still maintain to this day that you could do much worse at the price point). However, my favorite part of the read was definitely the beginning of the book, and learning a bit more about the role that wine played in the Ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Highly reccomend the read!
Dave –
A good throughline, but a bit freewheeling and light on detail right when it gets interesting. A nice place to start.
Tanya K –
A collection or charming stories about wine, each fitted into a short chapter. A good addition to any enthusiast at the start of their journey, but not completely new and exciting to most people who worked with wine before (can confirm).
Anastasiia Skorobogatova –
Хороша книга для знайомства з вином. Тут багато цікавих історій, і так само є нудні історії, які потребують глибших знань у виноробстві.А ще, це книга не про сто пляшок вина. Тут просто сто різних розповідей з історії вина. Як розвивалось виноробство, що пили древні греки та римляни, як зинфандельпотрапив у Північну Америку, і чи зинфанделтце взагалі.Для тих, хто цікавиться темою вина, книга буде справді корисною.